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Night Zookeeper is an online program for ages 6-12 designed to make learning how to write fun and engaging. Students will learn thousands of new words through the exciting vocabulary games and develop grammar skills through sentence building games and short writing challenges.
Students will then put what they have learned into action by producing their own stories, poems, reports, and more! They can illustrate their work by creating fun characters and share it with friends and family.
Engaging but best with a strong reader
Night ZooKeeper is a fun web based program that my son has enjoyed to a certain point. He loved creating the characters and going on the missions. There is also a text to voice capability for the instructions when using with younger children. The issue my child runs into is with some of the vocabulary words he has not learned all the phonemes yet so it makes it difficult for him to read and do this game independently. This leads to a lot of frustration for him. I think it would be better to wait a bit until my son improves his reading skills to try again.
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Overall fun
Fun and engaging program. Wonderful use of the child’s own imagination, Kids get the chance to create animals and describe them. A facilitator reviews them and gives suggestions to improve the vocabulary.
My daughter was at the high end of the age suggestion, she still enjoyed it but needed something more. Probably would be great for grades 2-4.
I thought it would be fun to try and maybe help to engage a desire to write, it did honestly help a bit as she doesn’t put up a fight with writing like she used too.
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