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A Reason for Handwriting is designed for grades K - 6. Each week the lesson is built around a Scripture verse. Students will learn proper letter formation for each word, and then complete the entire verse. At the end of each week, they will show what they have learned on a special border page by writing out the verse in their best handwriting and then colouring the border illustration to personalise it.
This program works well in tandem with their spelling curriculum. Read the A Reason For Spelling Reviews.
Fun Program
My kids enjoyed this program. We have used level K, A, B, and C. At that point we didn’t continue because they were doing their handwriting at a good level. I found the program very easy to use both in teaching and for my kids using it. I like how in levels after K level, they got to practice parts for several days and then on the last day for the week they wrote out the whole verse. They can copy it onto a special paper found in the back and decorate it to make it look nice. That was motivating and special. It also meant they were learning Bible verses at the same time. Level K was fun because it was based on animals. My kids loved that so much! I will be using this program again with my next child who needs to learn handwriting.
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